Installation of water preparation and wastewater treatment

Client: «Bazis Construction» branch office

Строительство объектов по Работе 3 "Установка водоподготовки и очистки стоков. 1-ая очередь": Здание установки обеспечения нулевых жидких сбросов (ZLD) по обессоленной воде

  • Equipment delivery
  • Installation
  • Software programming

Installation, commissioning and launching into industrial use, of
the following equipment and systems:
  • Power supply of the primary technological equipment;
  • Automation of the primary technological equipment, cabling and cable-tray production;
  • Automated fire alarm;
  • Security alarm system;
  • Video surveillance for building interior and perimeter;
  • Automated gas fire suppression system;
  • Wiring of air handling units (buildings КОС-1, КОС-2, ZLD)